The philosophy/moral of the story is one I've spent a great deal of time thinking about. In short, the idea is that you shouldn't pressure yourself to become perfect, but instead reach towards becoming better. You can't reach perfection, but you can work on becoming better than you once were. There's a fine print distinction between this attitude towards self-improvement and dangerously trying to measure up to the impossible.
One of the morals, then, is to not try to be perfect, but to try to be better. |
Aside from being a largely visually-oriented novel, Imperfect Road is also very much music-driven. This playlist includes many of the songs I listen to while I write. They set the mood, evoke emotion and thought, and make for a pretty good introspective road trip mix.
Included are tracks from Coldplay, The Killers, The 1975, Twenty One Pilots, and Walk the Moon, but it primarily consists of songs by less well-known artists, whose songs are incredible and inspiring nonetheless. I'm a big fan of music, and a more in-depth look into my tastes and favorite bands can be found at www.oliverdahl.com/music! In the mean time, you can check out the other books I have published at www.oliverdahl.com/my-books! |